Pressure flowability / Shark Fin Test


Oral Care Prüfung Test Equipment Zahnbürste Zahnnseide Dentalwerkstoffe Dentalinstrumente Brillen Spritzen Toothpaste manual Toothbrush Powerbrush Toothcleaning interproximal Brush Test Euquipment Zahnbürste Zahnpasta Handzahnbürsten elektrische Zahnbürst

Test Equipment Prüfsysteme Toothbrush dental Material Prüfmittel Mundpflege Zahnbürste Zahnpasta interdentale Bürsten Zahnseide Dentalwerkstoff Elastomere Prothesen Abformmasse Amalgam Prothesen Haftmittel Keramik Dubliermasse Joachim Wilhelm Engineering



The test method determines the flow properties of molding materials under pressure.
A cylindrical specimen with a milled gap is lowered over a depot plastic molding compound, which then flows into the gap and harden there in the form of a shark fin.
The height of the fin is a measure of the flowability under pressure.
The gap in the stamp (shark fin) simulates the sulcus (space between the tooth and gum).


Device                       451-001                    1.808,00 €

Conditions of Delivery

Delivery: EXW
Shipping time: by arrangement

Technical changes reserved.

The illustrations may differ from the actual equipment.

All data without obligation and not-binding.

All prices are net prices.